The Web is here to stay – there is no debate about that. Remarkably, there are still a large number of businesses and organisations that do not have a website, or have a poor one.
Whether you are a one-man sole trader or a large business with multiple locations, whether you are a commercial company, a charity, a members club or any other kind of organisation, you need a website. Why? Simply to compete in today’s business world.
An effective website can attract new business, showcase your services and sell your goods. But beware; a poorly designed or obviously DIY website will drive customers away!
Web searchers will use your website as a reference on you, both before and after contacting you. Many searchers prefer to check you out anonymously before making contact. This is particularly true for professional services. Many professional practices find it easier to set out their full credentials on-line rather than face-to face.
The benefits of a new website include:

New Website
Enhancing your image and reassuring your customers
Expanding your potential customer, client or membership base to targeted audiences
Designed specifically with the aim of achieving high search engine rankings
Flexibly designed so that it can evolve and grow with your business
Being live on the internet within weeks
You can start with a simple site of only a few pages and grow it as your business grows

You might like to look at our article on the power of a professional website                           ' .
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