Website updates
Over time your website will stagnate. It will deliver an old and tired message and may begin to convey an image of your business or club that is incorrect or even negative.
If you look critically at your website there are some important questions that you might want to address:-
Is your existing website out-of-date or needing a new look and feel?
When did you last do a major overhaul?
Are your on-line sales below expectations?
Have your created a DIY site that looks just that?
Did you use an off-the-shelf template design that does not distinguish you positively from your competition?
Do you need to improve your site performance?
Has your site been given a technical audit to identify common problems such as: download time, links that do not work, up-to-date metatags, appropriate keywords, browser compatibility, et al?

One of the most common problems is a site that takes too long to download pages. Â Research shows that you have no more that 5-7 seconds before searchers will click away to a competitor! Â How does your site perform? Â You might like to look at our article 'Is your website driving your clients away ?'
A site makeover can be a very cost effective way of improving your image, getting more customers or members and improving your service to your existing customers. Â All updates come with our unique fee refund guarantee !
If you are serious about getting the best from your website you should consider Search Engine Optimisation. This involves setting up your site to give it the best chance with the search engines.
Please do contact us to discuss your updating issues.
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