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Optimisation services

We offer a range of optimisation services to search out opportunities

Some of the Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) activities are very straightforward; some are more technical and involve more time. But be careful, some techniques will actually put off the search engines and may, in the extreme, result in your site being blacklisted.  At least two international household names have suffered this fate.  Be very wary of SEO companies who promise you top rank!


You may be interested to learn more from our article “SEO – White Hat vs Black Hat


To illustrate the benefits of SEO consider having regular data on the number of visitors, how they find you, where they come from, which pages they visited, how long they spend on each page, which page they left your site from, which keywords worked best for you and which ones did your competitors use, and much more.  Information such as this can really help you to adjust your site to maximise business goal conversion.


But, it’s not just about having access to the raw data.  There is a lot of very detailed data!  Assembling and then assessing all this data takes time and expertise.  You need to be able to interpret the data, evaluate how it applies to your business goals and then decide what action to take as a result, again monitoring the impact.  All this takes time, and expertise. The best results come from a highly interactive collaboration between our clients and us.

We see providing this service as important to our clients in helping them to get the best possible value from their websites. In a nutshell: “Websites that Work”.


Do contact us to find out more!


There is quite a lot of jargon used in talking about SEO.  You may find our article “Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Online Advertising” helpful.

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